Tired of Fighting a Golf Hook?

Here’s How to Fix It Once and for All!

One of the most common and frustrating challenges amateur golfers face is the dreaded golf hook, which can leave you frustrated especially after countless hours at the range trying different fixes without success.

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What Causes A Golf Hook?

A golf hook can be caused by several swing faults, and the first step to fixing it is understanding what’s going wrong in your swing.

It can feel overwhelming, especially when you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work. But don’t worry—you’re not alone, and there’s a solution!

Welcome to our How To Fix A Golf Hook mini-coaching series

What You’ll Learn

Each drill is designed to address a specific cause of the hook, so you’ll be able to identify what works best for you.

The common causes of a golf hook and how they affect your swing.

Several drills that target these issues and help you correct your hook for good.

Practical tips to implement on the range and during rounds, so you can start hitting straighter shots consistently.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, there’s a drill in this series that will suit your style and help you improve your game.

There are several different drills for you to try and each of these drills will help you understand how to fix a golf hook

So go through them as there’s probably one that suits you more so than others, and soon, that frustrating hook will be a thing of the past.

Happy Golfing

In this short series, I’ll break down the reasons why your ball hooks and guide you through simple, effective drills to straighten out your shots.

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The Split Grip Drill

The Split Grip Drill may feel a little awkward at first, but it’s well worth a try to help you fix your hook

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The Faster Body rotation Drill

Rotating your body faster through the ball will help you to reduce the amount of hook you put on the ball

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The Knuckles up Drill

Keeping the knuckles pointing up to the sky will help you keep the clubhead facing down the target line for longer.

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The Toe Behind The Heel Drill

Understanding where the club-head is, and where it should be, will help you in all aspects of your golf swing

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The Right Foot Over Left Foot Drill

Making decisions can be very swing.

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The Baseball Swing Drill

Use a Baseball Swing as a drill to help get the feel for leaving the club face open