The Basics Of Putting

The Basics Of Putting

Welcome to our Guide about Putting techniques and drills for Beginner Golfers

Putting is a critical aspect of golf, often making the difference between a good score and a great one.

As a beginner golfer, honing your putting skills can lead to significant improvements in your overall game.

Here are some essential techniques and drills to help you become a more confident and effective putter.

Understanding the Basics of Putting

Grip and Stance

  • Grip: Your grip on the putter should be light but secure. Use the traditional grip, where your hands are aligned with the shaft, or try the cross-handed grip, where your left hand (for right-handed golfers) is above your right hand. Find what feels most comfortable for you.
  • Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and position the ball just forward of center in your stance. Your knees should be slightly bent, and your weight should be balanced.

Posture and Alignment

  • Posture: Bend from your hips to maintain a straight back. Keep your arms relaxed and extended in front of you.
  • Alignment: Position your body parallel to your target line. Your eyes should be directly over the ball to help with accurate aim.

Putting Techniques

The Putting Stroke

  • Pendulum Motion: Think of your putter as a pendulum. Your arms and shoulders should move together in a smooth, controlled motion, with minimal wrist action.
  • Follow-Through: A good follow-through is essential for accuracy and distance control. Aim to finish your stroke with the putter head low to the ground and your hands at the same height as the ball.

Reading the Green

Understanding the contours of the green can significantly improve your putting:

  • Slope: Look for slopes that may affect the ball’s path. A putt uphill will require more force, while a downhill putt will need less.
  • Grain: Grass can grow in different directions, impacting how the ball rolls. A putt with the grain will roll faster, while against the grain will slow down.

    Practice Putting Drills

    The Gate Drill

    Purpose: Improves alignment and stroke consistency.

    • How to Do It: Place two tees slightly wider than your putter head about 2-3 feet from the hole, forming a “gate.” Practice putting through the gate, focusing on keeping your stroke straight.

    Distance Control Drill

    Purpose: Enhances distance control for longer putts.

    • How to Do It: Set up five balls at various distances from the hole (e.g., 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 feet). Try to get each ball as close to the hole as possible without aiming for the hole itself. This will help you develop a better feel for distance.

    One-Handed Putting Drill

    Purpose: Builds strength and control in your putting stroke.

    • How to Do It: Practice putting with only your dominant hand on the putter. This drill helps you develop a smooth, controlled stroke and can be done with both hands to strengthen your overall technique.

    The Circle Drill

    Purpose: Increases confidence on shorter putts.

    • How to Do It: Create a circle around the hole with balls placed about 3 feet away. Make each putt in succession, aiming to sink all the balls. This will help build your confidence with short, pressure-filled putts.

    Practice Regularly & Be Positive

    Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to improvement. Set aside time to work on your putting techniques and drills.

    Stay Positive: Putting can be frustrating, but maintaining a positive attitude will help you stay focused and improve over time.

    Focus on Process: Concentrate on your technique and the process of putting rather than the outcome. This will help you develop a more consistent and confident stroke.

    Improving your putting skills takes time, patience, and practice.

    By focusing on proper techniques, reading the greens, and incorporating effective drills, you can enhance your putting game significantly.

    Remember, every great golfer started as a beginner, so embrace the learning process and enjoy your time on the course.

    Can You Putt For Dough?

    How To Putt For Dough

    If you’re looking to get better at golf, I invite you to join my coaching program, Putt for Dough which will help you improve your putting accuracy, pace and distance control and will likely lead to you enjoying the game even more.